Welcome, Graduate Assistantship Applicants!
This website will allow you to apply for several assistantships on the USC campus and at colleges and universities in the Los Angeles area.
Preference is given to candidates who have been admitted to or enrolled in the Postsecondary Administration and Student Affairs (PASA) or Educational Counseling (EC) graduate programs within the Rossier School of Education. Many of these positions prepare students for professional positions within the field of Student Affairs.
Due to course load or internship requirements, some positions may not be available to candidates who are enrolled in particular programs. Each employment description will clearly outline these expectations.
The Application Process:
- Please pay attention to the instructions to apply that is included in each job posting.
- Employers will not look at applications completed through this job portal. Please DO NOT upload materials to this portal.
- We cannot tell you the timeline for hiring or any additional information regarding a job posting.
Other Important Information:
Additional openings frequently occur throughout the spring summer, and fall during the academic year. Please use the contact information provided on each position description for specific questions regarding a position.
If you have questions about this process, please send an email to: info@rossier.usc.edu or rsoempo@rossier.usc.edu
Newly admitted students: Please contact info@rossier.usc.edu with the subject line “GA Opportunities for Admitted Students”